The incoming MLSA Executive Committee for 2022-2023 met for the first time on 9th November and elected its officers. Kevin O’Boyle was re-elected as Chairperson, Mairead Ní Mhuimhneacháin was elected as Deputy Chairperson, Hugh O’Byrne was elected as Treasurer and Esther McCormack was elected as Honorary Secretary.
As advised at the AGM and in a subsequent email to all members, one vacancy remained on the committee due to insufficient nominations for election. Following receipt of expressions of interest from several members, the Executive Committee unanimously agreed to co-... Read More
Over 120 MLSA members attended the 62nd MLSA AGM in person on Saturday 8th October in the Galmont Hotel, Galway, with another 120 viewing proceedings on-line. Thank you to all members who attended and in particular to those who put forward motions and those who contributed to what was an excellent debate on the issues, The results of the motions debate were sent by email to all members today and are available in the Members' Area of the website.
In advance of the MLSA AGM on Saturday 8th October, the 2021 MLSA Annual Report and Accounts are now availalbe in the Members' Area of the website.
The MLSA AGM will take place on Saturday October 8th 2022. The intention is to have a live AGM, with a venue still to be confirmed. Further details will follow.
An update on motions from the 2021 AGM is available here.
Click here for a nomination form the Executive Committee for 2022-2024, for which there are six vacancies. The closing... Read More
The HSE has finally issued a memo and principles document on the reduction of working hours from 1st July 2022.
In summary, the standard working hours for medical scientists in public hospitals will be 35h from 1st... Read More
Following the exploratory talks at the Labour Court on Wednesday 25th May, the Labour Court Chairman wrote to both parties (MLSA and HSE/DOH) requesting them to return to the WRC for a short further engagement to explore “developed thinking” by the employer side. The Labour Court has set down a timeframe of three weeks for this process: any matters outstanding after the WRC process will be referred back to the Labour Court for a binding recommendation. The letter is available in the Members' Area under MLSA Industrial Action Information.
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The MLSA Executive Committee has today unanimously accepted an invitation by the Labour Court tomorrow, 25th May, for exploratory talks on the dispute with a view to assisting the parties. The MLSA has also agreed to the request of the Court to suspend tomorrow’s industrial action to allow talks to proceed. HSE/Department of Health have also accepted the invitation to attend. The MLSA has issued a... Read More
The MLSA has issued a further press release in advance of its second week of industrial action in pursuit of its 20 year claim for parity of pay and career progression with scientific colleagues. Two further 12-hour stoppages are planned tomorrow and Wednesday 24th and 25th May.