An MLSA delegation met with the HSE and Department of Health on Wednesday 27th April, Due to the failure of the employer side to issue a proposal that the union could put to its members, the Executive Committee has voted to serve industrial action notice on the HSE and section 38 employers today.
The dates for industrial action are as follows, from 8am to 8pm each day:
Wednesday 18... Read More
The details of the payment of the pandemic special recognition payment announced in January 2022 have finally been published. The HSE has issued HR Circular 12.2022 and an FAQ document detailing how the payment will be made and to whom, which can be found in the Member Updates 2022 section of the Members' Area... Read More
The MLSA has suspended its planned industrial action to accept an invitation to meet with the Public Sector Agreement Group on 31st March 2022.
The MLSA has today issued notice of industrial action by its members in public sector hospitals and laboratories, commencing with a twelve hour stoppage on Wednesday 30th March. Details of the planned industrial action are set out in this press release issued by the union today. The MLSA balloted public sector members in late 2021 and there was a 98% vote in favor of industrial action.
The application form for the 2022 Cyril Keogh bursary awards is now available for download in the Members’ Area of the MLSA website. Applications are invited from members who completed an eligible course in the previous two calendar years 2020 and 2021. See terms and conditions on the application form. The closing date for applications is Friday 1st April 2022.
MLSA members in the public sector have voted by 94% in favour of industrial action up to and including strike action in pursuit of the union's longstanding claim for parity with scientific colleagues. The MLSA has issued a press release this morning following the results of the ballot, which can be found here.
Ballot papers have been issued by post to all current MLSA members employed in the public sector, with the Executive Committee seeking a stong vote in favour of both industrial action and strike action. The closing date for return of ballot papers is 5th November 2021.
A further press release was issued on 29th September 2021 following the overwhelming vote at the MLSA AGM in favour of balloting members for industrial action in pursuit of the union's longstanding claim for parity with scientific colleagues in the health service. The full text of the press release can be read here.
The MLSA today issued a press release in advance of its AGM on 25th September, advising that members will be voting at the AGM on whether to ballot for industrial action in pursuit of their longstanding claim for parity with scientific colleagues in the health service. The full text of the press release can be read here.
The motions for debate at the 2021 AGM are now available in the AGM 2021 section of the Members' Area. The AGM will be held via remote conferencing on Saturday 25th of September commencing at 11am sharp. Full details of registration for attendance at the AGM will be issued to members shortly.