• MLSA AGM 2023

  • Industrial Action 2022

    On the pickets at Our Lady's Hospital Navan in May 2022
  • MLSA AGM 2022

  • Industrial Action May 2022

    Damp but determined - picketing at Mayo University Hospital

Why Join?

Why Join the MLSA?

There are many reasons why membership of the MLSA is valuable both to the individual member and to the collective group of employees in a workplace.

Collective Bargaining

  • Employees in workplaces where trade unions are organised are, on average, better paid than employees in non-unionised employment.
  • Unionised workplaces also enjoy better working conditions and unions regularly negotiate entitlements for members that are superior to the statutory minimum.
  • The higher the density of union membership in a workplace, the stronger the union is.

A Voice in the Workplace

  • The MLSA supports members to become involved in their own workplace and to have a voice in how changes are planned and implemented and how improvements can be made.
  • The MLSA works to ensure that employers comply fully with employment and Equality legislation and support members who believe that they have been discriminated against or unfairly treated.
  • The MLSA works to ensure that you work in a safe environment and that your employer complies with health and safety legislation. Everyone has the legal right to a safe workplace and healthy working conditions.

Individual Representation

  • The MLSA can provide advice, guidance and representation to you as an individual to ensure that your rights are respected and that the terms of your contract are observed. This is particularly important if you are involved in a grievance or disciplinary procedure or a Dignity at Work case. You are entitled to be accompanied by your union representative in such proceedings even if your employer does not recognise a trade union.
  • The MLSA will also represent members in the unlikley event that they are called to answer a Fitness to Practice case by CORU.
  • The MLSA is working to ensure that employers support members with protected time and training opportunities to achieve and maintain their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities. Most medical scientists already participate in CPD but this will soon become a mandatory requirement for state registration.

Additional Member Benefits

  • The MLSA has developed an annual bursary to assist members with the cost of post-graduate education. The Cyril Keogh Memorial bursary is awarded to twelve members each year on completion of a Masters degree or similar programme. Details can be found in the Members' Area of the website.

Financial Products - MLSA Advantages

  • The MLSA has negotiated with its financial partner Cornmarket to offer special discounted rates and advice on financial services, including a comprehensive salary protection product, Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) and other pension-related products, competitive car and home insurance rates and health insurance comparisons.  Members of the salary protection scheme also have free access to the MyDoc online GP consultation service. You can find more information on Cornmarket products and services on the Cornmarket website here.