• MLSA AGM 2023

  • Industrial Action 2022

    On the pickets at Our Lady's Hospital Navan in May 2022
  • MLSA AGM 2022

  • Industrial Action May 2022

    Damp but determined - picketing at Mayo University Hospital



The Medical Scientists' Registration Board has published two documents on Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements for medical scientists. The documents and a link to a consultation survey  can be accessed here and the closing date for feedback is 18th August 2019.


A message today from Kevin O'Boyle, MLSA Executive Committee Chairperson, regarding guidelines to members during any industrial action by SIPTU support staff, is available in the Members' Area under Member Updates.


The MLSA has issued an update to members regarding SIPTU support staff industrial action. The update can be accessed by members in the Member Update section of the Members' Area  of the website.


THe MLSA has issued advice to its agents regarding the proposed industrial action by SIPTU support staff, including laboratory aides. The advice can be accessed by members in the MLSA Agents section of the Members' Area of the website under Agent Resources and Information.


At the first meeting of the 2019-2020 MLSA Executive Committee on Friday 17th May the following Executive Committee Officers were elected:

Chairperson:            Kevin O'Boyle, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

Vice Chairperson:    Norbert Clarke, National Maternity Hospital, Holles St.

Honorary Treasurer: Pat Naughton, Mercy University Hospital, Cork

Honorary Secretary:  Tom Hesketh, Midlands Regional Hospital, Mullingar

Congratulations... Read More


The MLSA 2019 AGM was held in the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny on 6th April 2019 as part of LabCon2019.  The results of the Executive Committee election, Cyril Keogh bursary award and the AGM motions' debate are now available in the members' area of the website. It was great to meet so many members over the course of the LabCon weekend.


The MLSA and ACSLM issued a joint press release on 3rd April 2019 in advance of LabCon 2019. Click here for the full press release.


The programme for LabCon Ireland 2019 is now available. The programme includes a plenary session on Friday morning 5th April, an extensive academic programme on Friday afternoon and the MLSA AGM on Saturday morning 6th April at 11am. Attendance at the AGM is free for all members. Click here to download the full LabCon programme.


Biopics for the Nominees for the Executive Committee election are now up under the Members' Area.


Booking is now open for LabCon 2019, which will take place on 5th & 6th April 2019 in the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny. Click here to go directly to the booking page.  A full day academic programme is scheduled for Friday 5th April, followed by a gala dinner. The MLSA AGM will take place on Saturday 6th April at 11am and all MLSA members are encouraged to attend.