Details of all MLSA membership types and the cost are summarised in the table below. Please contact if you have a query.
The cost of MLSA membership is 0.7% of basic salary, up to a maximum cap that is determined annually on 1st January based on the fourteenth point of the staff grade medical scientist salary scale. The fourteenth point was €68,171 on 1st January 2025, therefore the cap for 2025 is €477.20 annually, €39.77 monthly or €18.35 fortnightly.
The cap on subscriptions applies to any member whose annual gross basic salary exceeds the fulltime salary at this point. Any additional income above the cap will not be subject to a subscription fee. Please note that the same cap will apply for all members regardless of working hours.
If you pay by deduction at source, your payroll department will deduct 0.7% of your basic salary (up to the amount of the cap) and send it to the MLSA. The deduction will be itemised on your payslip. If you change employer, you will need to authorise your new employer to continue this deduction. You can do this by sending the MLSA a new signed mandate for the deduction, which can be found on the MLSA membership application form. We will amend your membership record and forward the mandate to your new employer so that your subscription continues.
If you pay by annual EFT or cheque or by standing order, it is your responsibility to ensure that you maintain the correct subscription and pay it in a timely manner so that you do not fall into arrears. The MLSA rulebook states that members in arrears for more than 3 months can be deemed to have ceased their membership.
Click here to download an MLSA application form.The form is a fillable pdf that can be saved and returned by email to or by post to Membership, MLSA Head Office, 4th Floor, LIberty Hall, Dublin D01 E5Y3.
Full Member
0.7% of basic salary up to cap of €477.20 per year |
Note: It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that subscriptions commence and continue, otherwise membership can be deemed to lapse after 3 months non-payment.
Note: Payment by DAS is an arrangement with the employer’s payroll department and ceases if a member moves to a different payroll.
Student member
Note: Student membership lapses once the member has completed or left the undergraduate course. Individuals must then notify the MLSA to arrange for payment of subscriptions if they wish to become full members. |
Unpaid Maternity Leave
Free for duration of unpaid leave
Note: Members who do not notify the MLSA that they will be on unpaid maternity leave risk their membership lapsing if their subscriptions cease for more than 3 months.
Unpaid Sick Leave, Compassionate Leave or fulltime Carer’s Leave
Free for first year
Note: Members who do not notify the MLSA that they will be on unpaid sick leave, compassionate leave or fulltime carer’s leave risk their membership lapsing if their subscriptions cease for more than 3 months.
Note: Members on Carer’s Leave who work part-time as a medical scientist must continue to pay subscriptions pro-rata.
Extended unpaid sick leave, Compassionate Leave or fulltime Carer’s Leave
€25 / year.
Note: Members who do not notify the MLSA that they will be on extended unpaid sick leave, TRR, compassionate leave or fulltime carer’s leave risk their membership lapsing if if their subscriptions cease for more than 3 months.
Note: Members on Carer’s Leave who work part-time as a medical scientist must continue to pay subscriptions pro-rata.
Correspondence membership
€25 / year.
Note: It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that subscriptions commence and continue, otherwise membership can be deemed to lapse after 3 months non-payment.
Retired correspondence membership
Members who retire without notifying the MLSA or who do not provide a personal email address will be recorded as Retired in their Member Status and will no longer have website access or receive MLSA newsletters. |
IRequests for Refund of MLSA Subscriptions
The MLSA policy on subscription refunds is available here.